2018 Saga International Balloon Fiesta

Competition Map Information

Map Datum: World Geodetic System 1984
Common Launch Points
Name Location Description
CLP 16000/80000

Prohibited Zones
Number Name Type Description
1 PZ-1 Red Irregular shaped PZ bounded by 18369/82175*-777, 19004/82297*-777, 20036/82334*-777, 22084/82837*-777, 22513/82689*-777, 24413/82451*-777, 22931/80789*-777, 23121/80154*-777, 23227/79545*-777, 23221/78788*-777, 21316/78508*-777, 19374/78629*-777, 19146/78698*-777, 18993/78878*-777, 18834/79307*-777, 18517/80842*-777, 18358/82175*-777. Minimum altitude ASL is 500 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. Saga City PZ was added on Saturday, October 20 2018 at 23:19.
2 PZ-2 Red Irregular shaped PZ bounded by 22784/87150*-777, 22995/87182*-777, 23467/87172*-777, 23472/86732*-777, 23599/86394*-777, 23228/86378*-777, 23292/86648*-777, 23265/86753*-777, 23133/86732*-777, 23149/86600*-777, 22773/86536*-777, 22762/86473*-777, 22572/86446*-777, 22493/86928*-777, 22757/87087*-777, 22784/87161*-777. Minimum altitude ASL is 500 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. Industrial Park PZ was added on Saturday, October 20 2018 at 23:45.
3 PZ-3 Red Cylindrical shaped PZ centered at 16310/83690, with a radius of 150 metres. Minimum altitude ASL is 500 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. Cattle PZ was added on Saturday, October 20 2018 at 23:46.
4 PZ-4 Red Cylindrical shaped PZ centered at 16210/77540, with a radius of 500 metres. Minimum altitude ASL is 800 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. Cattle PZ was added on Saturday, October 20 2018 at 23:47.
5 PZ-5 Red Cylindrical shaped PZ centered at 15540/77150, with a radius of 500 metres. Minimum altitude ASL is 800 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. Horses PZ was added on Saturday, October 20 2018 at 23:48.
6 PZ-6 Red Cylindrical shaped PZ centered at 19490/75270, with a radius of 150 metres. Minimum altitude ASL is 500 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. Cattle PZ was added on Saturday, October 20 2018 at 23:50.
7 PZ-7 Red Cylindrical shaped PZ centered at 19380/74990, with a radius of 150 metres. Minimum altitude ASL is 500 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. Cattle PZ was added on Saturday, October 20 2018 at 23:50.
8 PZ-8 Red Cylindrical shaped PZ centered at 23500/76610, with a radius of 150 metres. Minimum altitude ASL is 500 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. Chickens PZ was added on Saturday, October 20 2018 at 23:51.
9 PZ-9 Yellow Irregular shaped PZ bounded by 15960/79137*-777, 16145/79058*-777, 16383/78883*-777, 16701/78846*-777, 16770/78529*-777, 16510/78322*-777, 16415/78031*-777, 15960/78767*-777, 15933/78936*-777, 15960/79137*-777. Minimum altitude ASL is 0 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. Baseball Park PZ was added on Saturday, October 20 2018 at 23:53.
10 PZ-10 Yellow Irregular shaped PZ bounded by 15658/79460*-777, 15833/79481*-777, 15849/79407*-777, 15769/79391*-777, 15769/79349*-777, 15674/79349*-777, 15642/79402*-777, 15658/79460*-777. Minimum altitude ASL is 0 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. Water Company PZ was added on Saturday, October 20 2018 at 23:54.
11 PZ-11 Yellow Irregular shaped PZ bounded by 15489/80111*-777, 15796/80159*-777, 15849/79984*-777, 15859/79751*-777, 15664/79809*-777, 15510/79931*-777, 15489/80111*-777. Minimum altitude ASL is 0 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. Water Company PZ was added on Saturday, October 20 2018 at 23:54.
12 PZ-12 Red Cylindrical shaped PZ centered at 21300/76460, with a radius of 150 metres. Minimum altitude ASL is 500 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. Horses PZ was added on Saturday, October 20 2018 at 23:52.
13 PZ-13 Yellow Irregular shaped PZ bounded by 12466/79332*-777, 12667/79338*-777, 12720/79300*-777, 13493/79327*-777, 13514/79248*-777, 13614/79025*-777, 13768/78835*-777, 13916/78681*-777, 13963/78560*-777, 13948/78411*-777, 13820/77745*-777, 13725/77771*-777, 13466/77766*-777, 13418/78210*-777, 13524/78231*-777, 13450/78771*-777, 12582/78697*-777, 12498/79004*-777, 12461/79332*-777. Minimum altitude ASL is 0 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. Landowners PZ was added on Sunday, October 21 2018 at 00:24.
14 PZ-14 Yellow Cylindrical shaped PZ centered at 12900/75900, with a radius of 500 metres. Minimum altitude ASL is 0 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. Landowners PZ was added on Saturday, October 20 2018 at 23:58.
15 PZ-15 Red PZ was added on Sunday, October 21 2018 at 00:07.
16 PZ-15 Red PZ was added on Sunday, October 21 2018 at 00:14.
17 PZ-15 Red PZ was added on Sunday, October 21 2018 at 00:15.
18 PZ-15 Red PZ was added on Sunday, October 21 2018 at 00:16.
91 PZ-91 Blue Irregular shaped PZ bounded by 93678/95501*-777, 20842/95484*-777, 22080/94976*-777, 22174/88514*-777, 22242/87561*-777, 22348/86693*-777, 22591/85688*-777, 22845/84936*-777, 23099/84322*-777, 23511/83560*-777, 23945/82925*-777, 24432/82290*-777, 24950/81761*-777, 25342/81358*-777, 25934/80893*-777, 26781/80321*-777, 27363/79982*-777, 27871/79739*-777, 27955/75156*-777, 15476/73907*-777, 13253/71886*-777, 93664/81297*-777, 93678/95501*-777. Maximum altitude ASL is 4000 feet. Airspace Sector A PZ was added on Sunday, October 21 2018 at 00:17.
92 PZ-92 Blue Irregular shaped PZ bounded by 93643/81297*-777, 13263/71865*-777, 06456/65334*-777, 93672/70776*-777, 93643/81297*-777. Maximum altitude ASL is 3000 feet. Airspace Sector C PZ was added on Sunday, October 21 2018 at 00:18.
93 PZ-93 Blue Irregular shaped PZ bounded by 27882/79718*-777, 27923/75145*-777, 37999/76161*-777, 38000/79082*-777, 33004/79019*-777, 31469/78998*-777, 30760/79029*-777, 30263/79104*-777, 29607/79231*-777, 28993/79368*-777, 28379/79569*-777, 27882/79718*-777. Maximum altitude ASL is 3000 feet. Airspace Sector D PZ was added on Sunday, October 21 2018 at 00:19.
94 PZ-94 Blue Irregular shaped PZ bounded by 27872/79756*-777, 27465/79934*-777, 26957/80205*-777, 26491/80484*-777, 26051/80781*-777, 25678/81085*-777, 25204/81492*-777, 24832/81864*-777, 24501/82212*-777, 24264/82483*-777, 23798/83109*-777, 23494/83609*-777, 23231/84066*-777, 23002/84549*-777, 22825/84972*-777, 22588/85666*-777, 22410/86318*-777, 22325/86793*-777, 22257/87317*-777, 22207/87910*-777, 22198/88494*-777, 22660/88672*-777, 22990/88846*-777, 23252/88990*-777, 23523/89235*-777, 23739/89362*-777, 23900/89455*-777, 24061/89506*-777, 24252/89523*-777, 24772/89527*-777, 25031/89523*-777, 25306/89544*-777, 25577/89595*-777, 25899/89692*-777, 26309/89925*-777, 26627/90150*-777, 26906/90306*-777, 27135/90446*-777, 27283/90535*-777, 27241/90238*-777, 27181/90014*-777, 27093/89857*-777, 26970/89730*-777, 27021/89413*-777, 27258/89104*-777, 27414/88867*-777, 27482/88647*-777, 27499/88477*-777, 27512/88350*-777, 27516/88244*-777, 27419/88067*-777, 27406/87851*-777, 27325/87694*-777, 27325/87415*-777, 27270/86928*-777, 27308/86818*-777, 27402/86441*-777, 27397/86288*-777, 27533/85819*-777, 27457/85459*-777, 27397/85128*-777, 27389/84896*-777, 27461/84561*-777, 27702/83867*-777, 27736/83558*-777, 27812/83240*-777, 27859/83062*-777, 27872/82770*-777, 27897/82609*-777, 27922/82461*-777, 27931/82228*-777, 27922/81979*-777, 27960/81754*-777, 28024/81382*-777, 28075/81153*-777, 28079/80992*-777, 28062/80814*-777, 28028/80637*-777, 27973/80484*-777, 27952/80357*-777, 27935/80217*-777, 27889/80061*-777, 27812/79900*-777, 27872/79756*-777. Maximum altitude ASL is 3000 feet. Airspace Sector E PZ was added on Sunday, October 21 2018 at 00:19.
101 PZ-101 Red Irregular shaped PZ bounded by 27872/79756*-777, 28193/79625*-777, 28473/79527*-777, 28960/79388*-777, 29235/79316*-777, 29747/79205*-777, 30289/79100*-777, 30725/79040*-777, 31149/79002*-777, 31517/78989*-777, 31991/78994*-777, 32995/79011*-777, 33592/79027*-777, 34100/79027*-777, 37999/79091*-777, 37999/95488*-777, 20903/95493*-777, 22071/94968*-777, 22181/88558*-777, 22198/88494*-777, 22660/88672*-777, 22990/88846*-777, 23252/88990*-777, 23523/89235*-777, 23739/89362*-777, 23900/89455*-777, 24061/89506*-777, 24252/89523*-777, 24772/89527*-777, 25031/89523*-777, 25306/89544*-777, 25577/89595*-777, 25899/89692*-777, 26309/89925*-777, 26627/90150*-777, 26906/90306*-777, 27135/90446*-777, 27283/90535*-777, 27241/90238*-777, 27181/90014*-777, 27093/89857*-777, 26970/89730*-777, 27021/89413*-777, 27258/89104*-777, 27414/88867*-777, 27482/88647*-777, 27499/88477*-777, 27512/88350*-777, 27516/88244*-777, 27419/88067*-777, 27406/87851*-777, 27325/87694*-777, 27325/87415*-777, 27270/86928*-777, 27308/86818*-777, 27402/86441*-777, 27397/86288*-777, 27533/85819*-777, 27457/85459*-777, 27397/85128*-777, 27389/84896*-777, 27461/84561*-777, 27702/83867*-777, 27736/83558*-777, 27812/83240*-777, 27859/83062*-777, 27872/82770*-777, 27897/82609*-777, 27922/82461*-777, 27931/82228*-777, 27922/81979*-777, 27960/81754*-777, 28024/81382*-777, 28075/81153*-777, 28079/80992*-777, 28062/80814*-777, 28028/80637*-777, 27973/80484*-777, 27952/80357*-777, 27935/80217*-777, 27889/80061*-777, 27812/79900*-777, 27872/79756*-777. Minimum altitude ASL is 3000 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. Metabaru CTR PZ was added on Sunday, October 21 2018 at 00:00.
102 PZ-102 Red Irregular shaped PZ bounded by 93676/70753*-777, 06457/65303*-777, 15509/73909*-777, 38004/76185*-777, 37990/62012*-777, 93674/62010*-777, 93676/70769*-777. Minimum altitude ASL is 4000 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. Saga CTR PZ was added on Sunday, October 21 2018 at 00:01.
201 SA-G01 Yellow Irregular shaped PZ bounded by 01041/85392*-777, 02195/84953*-777, 02501/84726*-777, 02480/84577*-777, 02173/84344*-777, 01739/84239*-777, 01438/84546*-777, 00908/85292*-777, 01046/85392*-777. Minimum altitude ASL is 0 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. Golf Courses PZ was added on Sunday, October 21 2018 at 11:44.
202 SA-G02 Yellow Irregular shaped PZ bounded by 00580/83725*-777, 00950/83466*-777, 01120/83053*-777, 01162/82741*-777, 01014/82624*-777, 00760/82651*-777, 00162/83238*-777, 00130/83371*-777, 00273/83561*-777, 00580/83730*-777. Minimum altitude ASL is 0 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. Golf Courses PZ was added on Sunday, October 21 2018 at 11:45.
203 SA-G03 Yellow Irregular shaped PZ bounded by 99267/80137*-777, 99849/80010*-777, 99717/79719*-777, 98843/78629*-777, 98621/78539*-777, 98388/78597*-777, 98356/78925*-777, 98573/79724*-777, 98891/80026*-777, 99267/80137*-777. Minimum altitude ASL is 0 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. Golf Courses PZ was added on Sunday, October 21 2018 at 11:45.
204 SA-G04 Yellow Irregular shaped PZ bounded by 99738/77423*-777, 99569/77105*-777, 99373/76597*-777, 99426/76428*-777, 99579/76518*-777, 99796/76840*-777, 99918/76888*-777, 99854/76512*-777, 99886/76295*-777, 00294/76232*-777, 00331/76396*-777, 00214/76888*-777, 00289/76893*-777, 00431/76629*-777, 00627/76639*-777, 00648/76713*-777, 00527/77052*-777, 00209/77084*-777, 00215/77502*-777, 00082/77502*-777, 99929/77169*-777, 99860/77433*-777, 99738/77423*-777. Minimum altitude ASL is 0 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. Golf Courses PZ was added on Sunday, October 21 2018 at 11:46.
205 SA-G05 Yellow Irregular shaped PZ bounded by 07370/78894*-777, 07629/78841*-777, 08068/78581*-777, 07814/78142*-777, 07634/78047*-777, 07243/78121*-777, 06353/78290*-777, 06073/78428*-777, 06375/78798*-777, 06523/78867*-777, 07370/78894*-777. Minimum altitude ASL is 0 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. Golf Courses PZ was added on Sunday, October 21 2018 at 11:46.
206 SA-G06 Yellow Irregular shaped PZ bounded by 08040/68171*-777, 08871/66838*-777, 08638/66726*-777, 07881/67938*-777, 08040/68171*-777. Minimum altitude ASL is 0 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. Golf Courses PZ was added on Sunday, October 21 2018 at 11:46.
207 SA-G07 Yellow Irregular shaped PZ bounded by 17036/87679*-777, 16443/87356*-777, 15935/87563*-777, 15528/88272*-777, 15596/88457*-777, 16375/88860*-777, 16856/88902*-777, 17555/88568*-777, 17608/88389*-777, 17528/88209*-777, 16856/88219*-777, 17036/87685*-777. Minimum altitude ASL is 0 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. Golf Courses PZ was added on Sunday, October 21 2018 at 11:47.
208 SA-G08 Yellow Irregular shaped PZ bounded by 18221/85483*-777, 18570/85430*-777, 18549/85160*-777, 18300/84864*-777, 18274/84589*-777, 18179/84472*-777, 17919/84356*-777, 17723/84372*-777, 17374/84054*-777, 17295/84096*-777, 17295/84350*-777, 17401/84477*-777, 17856/84747*-777, 18099/84996*-777, 18216/85494*-777. Minimum altitude ASL is 0 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. Golf Courses PZ was added on Sunday, October 21 2018 at 11:48.
209 SA-G09 Yellow Irregular shaped PZ bounded by 24917/89606*-777, 25891/89617*-777, 26304/89458*-777, 26431/89225*-777, 25727/89119*-777, 25182/88548*-777, 24737/88987*-777, 24700/89283*-777, 24912/89611*-777. Minimum altitude ASL is 0 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. Golf Courses PZ was added on Sunday, October 21 2018 at 11:48.